纽约自然博物馆重新开张,小保安赖瑞·戴利(本·斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller 饰)带领泰迪·罗斯福(罗宾·威廉姆斯 Robin Williams 饰)策划了精彩的开幕演出。谁知演出刚刚没多久,泰迪、猴子他们便陷入混乱,所有博物馆的伙伴们大闹会场,赖瑞为此焦头烂额。事后他 发现,复活黄金碑正被绿色的物质腐蚀,而这种情况似乎导致了藏品们的疯狂。赖瑞查找资料,断定黄金碑背后隐藏着不为人知的秘密。为了阻止混乱情况的蔓延,他决定前往大英博物馆求助法老王阿卡曼拉的父亲,当然那堆搞怪的藏品也都尾随而至。途中他们遇见了圆桌骑士兰斯洛特爵士,还和屋大维等伙伴走散。久违的奇妙冒险,就在夜幕下的大英博物馆的展开……
The summer before college, bright-yet-irreverent Elliott comes face-to-face with her older self during a mushroom trip. The encounter spurs a funny and heartfelt journey of self-discovery and first love as Elliott prepares to leave her childhood home.
Writer-director Megan Park’s tender, surprising sophomore feature cleverly uses its high-concept premise of a visit from one’s future self to launch a refreshing, nuanced exploration of the uncertainties of young romance and coming of age. My Old Ass is a sweet teenage love story, a lively contemporary comedy, and a quirky riff on time-travel films all in one.
Maisy Stella and Aubrey Plaza have a terrific unlikely chemistry, as the sass and self-assuredness of the young Elliott, as played by Stella, blends and overlaps with Plaza’s sardonic humor as a more mature Elliott. The care and affection shown in the film’s depiction of Elliott’s rural hometown in her last days before taking off for adulthood visually highlights her emotional journey, evoking a nostalgia for days that haven’t even ended yet.—HZ